Forum Discussion

David_and_Deb's avatar
Sep 24, 2018

Route from S. Dakota to Devils Tower in Wyoming

We are leaving S. Dakota heading for Wyoming. We're camping on Highway 385 and want to head to Beulah for the Vore Buffalo Jump on 90 then north to Aladdin on 111 and on 24 to Devils Tower. Can this route be driven in a 32' motor home towing a Jeep?
  • Thanks anyway! We seem to have come just a little late in the season for some attractions.
  • I drove it in a car August 2017. Very good road, a couple of up and down grades that will make you sit up and pay attention to what you are doing, but nothing at all radical. Basically it will be a very enjoyable ride.

    Also stop at the Wyoming welcome station just down the hill from the Vore Buffalo Jump, it has some very nice displays, not just a room full of brochures, so some neat stuff to look at.

  • SDcampowneroperator wrote:
    Of course. I'd drive north on 385 to its end between Deadwood and Lead then left ( south ) on US 85 to US 14 north (right) through Spearfish Canyon to I 90 The buffalo jump is an interesting look back into history. Stop in Aladdin at the general store for a peek into recent pioneer history.

    This is the way you should go. The leaves are nearing their peak in Spearfish canyon, and it is very easy to do in your rig.
  • Of course. I'd drive north on 385 to its end between Deadwood and Lead then left ( south ) on US 85 to US 14 north (right) through Spearfish Canyon to I 90 The buffalo jump is an interesting look back into history. Stop in Aladdin at the general store for a peek into recent pioneer history.