IDRW1971 wrote:
Going to W.Yellowstone from Colorado Springs.
Looks like going from Co Springs to Lander to W.Yellowstone is the least miles.
It is not interstate, so I am wondering about if any bridges or any other issues.
Some say to go Co Spr to Rock Springs to Idaho Falls to W.Yellowstone.
Hate to add another 100 miles
because we have about 8,000 during our across the US trip.
If I understand the Question you are out on a Tour of the USA - to SEE the Sites and you are going from Colorado to West Yellowstone.
May I be so bold to offer a much more Beautiful drive that will allow you to see more of the Rockies that you may Enjoy?
ImHO if you are traveling around the USA and the number of Miles you are driving is the Leading Concern you may need to really Think about your Mission! You are in the Middle of Colorado, which IMHO is almost Heaven.
Sorry if this is not a direct answer to your question as it just ........well just not right to not endeavor to try to see more not less as you drive from destination to destination.
My simple/easy/recommended/short drive would be Colorado Springs to Buena Vista/Collegiates/Independence Pass/Twin Lakes/Leadville/Arkansas River/Browns Canyon to Dino National Monument - catching Camp Hale/Red Cliff/Minturn/Aspen/Maroon Bells/Glenwood Springs/Rifle State Park/ as you drive along the way then Flaming Gorge to Alpine to Jackson to the Tetons up through Yellowstone and out to West Yellowstone.
Map of the general Route Just a beautiful Drive that has a little to see along the way :)
If you insist on your Lander Route you need to be aware of I-25 traffic which can in and of itself be just Gruelling on all in the vehicle - You will pass the opportunity to see RT 6 drive/Golden/Boulder/Peak to Peak drive/RMNP/RT 34 0r 36/Snowy Range/Wind River Canyon/Cody Chief Joseph Highway Beartooth.............the list goes on.
To simply answer your question about most routes in the West - Bridges when encountered usually work - Restricted Roads are marked (Independence Pass) - Interstates are filled with Trucks and generally pretty bumpy - Side roads are Better and there is more to see and do than you can possible accomplish id a lifetime much less in one Trip.
Hope this helps,