If time is your motivator, straight through Houston or around I-610 on the southeast side is your choice. Check and make sure they haven't closed the 610 bridge over the ship channel if it's a weekend . They've done that a couple of times to me.
However, if reduced stress and lower chance of an incident motivates you, consider the Galveston/Freeport option (south) or the TX 105 (north) option that others have suggested. Both would be more interesting, if you have the time.
Since I am retired, time is not my primary priority when travelling, so I tend to go around big cities.
If you take the TX 105 option, be sure to NOT take the exit for FM105 in Vidor on I-10. Stay on I-10 and take the US 69/96/287 exit north in Beaumont to the TX105 exit. Check it out on the map, especially if you need to plan your route south after getting to the other side of Houston.