PA12DRVR wrote:
I think I made 4 flights to Shemya (for that project) and on one of them the outgoing 727 did consecutive 90 degree rolls (opposite directions)....a very interesting experience.
I was there in 1992, but, thank God, the 727s I was on never rolled! That 727 was interesting in other ways too. Our seats were at the rear where the 727's onboard stairs were located and the cargo rode between us and the cockpit. The plane had a large side cargo door that could be used to unload the cargo with a forklift.
I read that Reeve Aleutian Airways is no longer in business. Maybe because Adak and Attu shut down and Shemya's military contingent was removed in favor of contractors? No more military contracts, no more airline? There weren't many other reasons to fly to any of the Aleutians, especially the ones 1,500 miles from Anchorage!
Despite the "we don't need the Feds telling what to do" attitude in Alaska, a lot of Alaskans and Alaska companies are still dependent on Federal agencies and spending for jobs. My consulting experience was that even Anchorage's oil-fueled economy would be hurt badly if the Feds suddenly pulled the plug on Elmendorf and Ft. Rich!