We tow a small car behind our motorhome so we can get out and see all the things that might be happening in the area we are in. We never ever twiddle our thumbs anywhere.
We have been known to stay in places like Walmart, Home Depot - in Mexico we stay in Pemex stations - or as our friend Chris does in places such as a botanical garden parking lot - we also know overlanders who travel all over staying in fire house parking lots.
But the person who started this thread wants to stay on secluded beaches if I am not mistaken - no one thinks a Walmart parking lot is scenic.
We stay in RV parks for many reasons - we have an electric fridge and need power to keep food edible - we shower regularly and need water - and we need a place to dump our sewage. We set up in a central location and may spend a week or two there traveling all over the area in our car going to villages and towns nearby - or even distant places if we are in the nearest RV park.
Getting a weekly rate in RV parks in Mexico is relatively inexpensive - one place we stay averages out to about $7 per day US - we rarely average more than $15 per day. Being experienced Mexico travelers we have device to not only check electricity but to correct poor electricity. We also have a water purification system (UV - $150US).
We also support the people trying to make a living by providing RVers a place to stay. More and more RV parks have gone out of business meaning decent places can be few and far between. They will continue to disappear if we do not support them.