Forum Discussion

rtrevinoh's avatar
Jan 20, 2015

RVing from San Antonio to Taos, and back...

I am taking my first RV trip on late March. An 8-day trip form San Antonio to Taos, and back.

I will be using RV Parks in:

For 1-night stay:

1. Lubbock TX or Amarillo TX. Where and what park do you recommend?
2. Carlsbad NM, Odessa TX or Midland TX. Where and what park do you recommend?


  • OP wanted a one night stay. The state parks are wonderful. But your 8 day timeframe means to me that you want a shower and sleep and maybe eats. If you stay at Palo Duro you need at least 2 nights. With Taos being your goal stay at Littlefield (Waylon Jennings)or Muleshoe (free Ray and Donna West RV Park) and eat at Leal's in either town and then a short trip to Taos. Go to Palo Duro when you have more time.
  • X2 On Littlefield/Waylon food available and a good route to Taos via US 84.
  • If you want to stay on a budget. Littlefield, Texas has a great RV park owned by the city and is available for free or a donation you want to make. This is the Waylon Jennings RV Park. This great little place has 10-12 spots. I have always found a spot for the night 30-50 amp with water. Only about ¼ mile north on 385 from 84.
  • Palo Dura Canyon SP is great, but more like a 2 nighter to enjoy the canyon rather than an overnighter passing thru.

    If you are thinking of visiting Carlsbad Caverns, we stayed at the KOA north of Carlsbad. A bit far out but the nicest RV park I could find in the area.
  • West of Odessa is Monahans Sandhills State Park. It is usually empty (at least when we have been there) and is incredible. You can camp right up next to the dunes. Kind of remote feelings. No sewer hookup but it is a beautiful. Be sure to walk outside on a clear night and enjoy the stars.