Forum Discussion

Crowe's avatar
Jan 13, 2015

Safety-Route 5, British Columbia, Jasper AB to Vancouver BC

We may be flying out to Alberta to visit Banff and Jasper, and then heading over to Vancouver. Our first idea was to fly to Vancouver, but then we thought it might be interesting to drive to Vancouver via Rt. 5, through Kamloops. I did some research and have found out that Rt. 5 is the road featured in Discovery's Highway to Hell reality series. That kinda scared me. Let me rephrase-that scared me a lot! I know these series over-dramatize, but before we make any decisions I'd like to know how dangerous the road really is. We'd be in a car of some sort. Thanks.
  • Just drove it this Summer. Was driving a 40+ ft motorhome and towing a 20 ft enclosed car hauler Was I supposed to be scared? It was a scenic reasonably easy drive. I'd do it again no worries.
  • Profdant, we've traveled a lot in the Canadian Maritimes and have had that same issue. Been to Alberta already and yup, same thing! Unfortunately we won't be taking the drive-the cost of renting a car at one airport and returning to another airport is considerably more expensive than flying between the two and renting two separate cars.
  • Crowe, there are two hazards you will encounter in BC in August -- first, the fruit is ripe, and it is so delicious that you may overeat and get sick. (Do not ask me how I know that.) Second, the Canadians are terribly friendly -- they will see your license plate and talk to you endlessly, whether in a campground or a parking lot or whatever. I strongly advise you to adopt a grumpy expression -- otherwise valuable travel time will be lost.
  • Thanks everybody! Still in the planning stages and not even sure if we'll be able to do it, but at least I have a good idea of what we're up against!
  • You'll be fine there in August - take your summer clothes as it will be hot. It will be pretty busy from Kamloops south but you'll do fine. You'll love the trip (even better with a camper) from Jasper to Kamloops. We regularly do Regina to Edmonton to Jasper to Vancouver. It's a little farther but less white knuckle driving. Number 3 and 1 are bumper to bumper and all are driving too fast. Wish I was going with you as our kids are out there too.
  • The series only shot in winter.
    As was noted, it's a four-lane road, fairly straight, but with lots of "grade". There is was stretch that is a continuous grade for about 30km (15 miles), with the peak grade being 12% (I believe that's the "smasher") section.

    I've towed three different RVs with three different trucks over that pass. While steep (in places), it's really not a bad highway. Certainly is easier on my nerves then all the curves taking TransCanada-1 through the valley.
  • Thanks. The last episode I saw had a flipped semi where the driver was killed. I don't believe it was winter driving conditions, but I could be wrong.
  • Do not be mislead by the theme, it applies to winter driving conditions. Otherwise it is a 4 lane divided highway between Kamloops and Hope.