geromio wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has ever been to Mexico and spent some time for treatment in the General Hospital in the country.
Been to Mexico, yes. Didn't have to do this yet, thanks God. If you are not enrolled in this plan (and it sounds like you're not, right now) - expect to pay 10-20K for a moderate cardiac surgery with few days hospital stay, this is in US funds.
Apperently they have an Universal Medical System like in Canada. Anyone is treated regardless of insurance coverage or not.
I doubt. Universal plan that I know is called Seguro Popular - not Salud Popular.
Tourists are not covered under this program. You need to be a permanent resident, or at least pretend to be one. You need a permanent address, utility bills to prove it, and Mexican SIN number called CURP. It does take some time to enroll, and like I said, gringos with tourist status living there semi-permanently are not quite eligible, though they manage to sneak in sometimes. The system has many loopholes like everything in Mexico.
And it's not "like in Canada". Imagine MASH hospital, only without incoming fire. No MRI in towns smaller than 0.5 million (or is it 1 million?), and you'd better avoid going to emergency room of their public hospital anywhere but big cities like Tijuana, Guadalajara etc.
They won't treat you for free unless you are enrolled in this plan. Yes, in public hospitals they will "stabilize" you regardless of your status, if you're really dying, and will do this for free. Meaning, they will "try" keeping you alive until somebody will take you back North, no guarantees.
Food and medications for free? You must be kidding. If you're well enough to eat anything, they won't keep you unless you're enrolled in the plan.
This plan only works in public hospitals, not in private ones.
There is also IMSS plan, more expensive annual premiums though still cheap by our standards, and easier to join than Seguro Popular. More restrictions than Seguro Popular - not everything is covered.
For (relatively) low-cost private plan, you might consider a "catastrophic insurance" like the one sold by Focus on Mexico. It's a group plan, but anybody can join if he lives there 6 months a year. It's an emergency only coverage. It won't cover a condition where you can wait longer than 24 hours without endangering your life or health. Don't know any details or anybody who actually used it. Annual cost $US 1,300, deductible $3,000, coverage $750,000. They have direct payment arrangements with "some" hospitals, but in other hospitals you'll have to pay and be reimbursed later.
Here it is:
catastrophic insurance.
Edit - PS: Tequila is right about Geos Alliance - it's a cheap evac plan. As I recall, buying a Spot is not necessary, and they don't cover people over 75 years age.