Forum Discussion

Bull_Rider's avatar
Nov 06, 2014

San Fransico to San Diego without going through LA?

We will be kicking around San Francisco in the next week or so, and would like to wander south to San Diego. I've read suggestions on routes to take, but I'm not finding them with the search feature. We've gone through LA before and would like not to have to go that way this time.

We're not in a hurry, love museums and anything of historical significance. Winery s are also given priority. :)

Thanks for your suggestions.
  • Taking 210 still takes you through a lot of City traffic and over the Grapevine and through Castiac and that area. That route is only about 25 miles shorter than going out 58 to 395. I'd take my chances in the desert any time over going that way.
  • guidry wrote:
    210 East to 15 South takes you around LA. Still city driving and you will hit some traffic during normal off-work times but a lot better than 5 South!

    We did that route last month from Ventura east on 101 to 210 to 5. We went through at non rush hour and it was not bad at all. JMO
  • When you take I 5 south, turn east at Bakersfield, and take 395 south to I-15. Take that south all the way into San Diego. Just don't take I-15 at 5 am - 9 am or 1 pm to 7 pm, it will be a bit crowded.

    You can check and search Riverside. Zoom out to see all the local freeways, and click on "Traffic". You can change traffic times from 'Current' to say noon on a Friday. it will give you the 'average' traffic at those times on the map. So Friday at 4 PM, it should show pretty much red lines on all the freeways that are at 15-25 MPH. I think the red/black is less than 15 MPH.

    Good luck,

  • Nice! I've plotted into Delorme a couple of the suggestion.

    Much appreciated!
  • Head down towards Pismo/Avila Beach to enjoy the coast then head over Grapevine and 210 to bypass LA. No sense doing 58 or 395 long way. Avoid I-5 in the AM into LA, we go to Pomona every year from Santa Cruz and fly through as long as you skip the morning rush.
  • msmith1199 wrote:
    I've done this route many many times. I always take 58 out of Bakersfield and go over to 395. Don't follow your GPS if it tries to send you through Palmdale and Lancaster. Lots of traffic signals and cross traffic going that way. Take 395 down to 15. You can take 15 all the way into San Diego but I normally cut off on 215 and take it through San Bernardino and Riverside and then it hooks back up with 15. I'm not sure which route is better there.

    For mileage, from the intersection of 99 and 58 to downtown San Diego taking I-5 all the way is 228 miles. That same starting and ending point take the above route I described is 274 miles. So you're adding 46 miles to the trip, but you are completely bypassing Los Angeles. To me that 46 miles is 100% worth it.

    X2 I live in palmdale and I will say you do want to avoid our "talented" drivers we have,lol
  • I've done this route many many times. I always take 58 out of Bakersfield and go over to 395. Don't follow your GPS if it tries to send you through Palmdale and Lancaster. Lots of traffic signals and cross traffic going that way. Take 395 down to 15. You can take 15 all the way into San Diego but I normally cut off on 215 and take it through San Bernardino and Riverside and then it hooks back up with 15. I'm not sure which route is better there.

    For mileage, from the intersection of 99 and 58 to downtown San Diego taking I-5 all the way is 228 miles. That same starting and ending point take the above route I described is 274 miles. So you're adding 46 miles to the trip, but you are completely bypassing Los Angeles. To me that 46 miles is 100% worth it.
  • Or...I-5 south to Bakersfield (several ways to get from I-5 over to Bakersfield), 58 east to 395, 395 south to I-15.

    Getting over to Bakersfield from I-5, I usually take the Panama exit off of I-5 and go over to 99. North on 99 for a couple of miles to 58 east. Or, you can also take 46 over to 99 south.

    Another way is to take I-5 to Gorman and then take 138 east over to Hwy 14. South on 14 to Palmdale and then get back on 138 over to I-15.

    Personally, I like quidry's way the best. However, smkettner's way is the most scenic.

  • 210 East to 15 South takes you around LA. Still city driving and you will hit some traffic during normal off-work times but a lot better than 5 South!