Forum Discussion

navegator's avatar
Oct 13, 2017


The latest scam is done with 5.00 pesos wrapped coins in either cellophane or transparent tape.

The two end coins are 5.oo peso coins and the rest are either old useless coins or washers, if you receive one of this when you purchase merchandise as change, open it immediately in front of the sales clerk so that everyone around sees it, do not accept it and do not pocket the package and then find out that you have been a victim.

The banks issue the coins in paper packages with red letters for the 5.00 pesos and green for the 10.00 pesos, so far only the 5.00 peso packages in cellophane have been detected in the scam, some packages do come wrapped in transparent packages from the bank, the bank clerk has to open them and count the content of the package before the coins can be handed to the customer at the bank.

  • Wm.Elliot:

    Oh! you made me laugh!

    I pictured the bad guy purchasing washers at the tlapaleria (hardware store) otherwise known as Ferreteria kind off huddled, shielding the purchase and looking both ways to see who's looking at him.

    That is a good laugh!

    The washers in this scam are the real cheap Chinese that no one wants to use, the ones that deform and crack when you tighten the bolt or the nut, off course they are made for the cheap Chinese bolt that stretches as you tighten the nut.

    Mexico is flooded with cheap Chinese junk hardware.

  • Around here washers cost more than the coin of the same size. It might not be that bad of a deal :)
  • Big stores like Costco, Chedraui, Oxxo, do not do it but the gasolineras will since most people are always in a hurry to go so the change gets thrown in the center console, I do not have info on where it is occurring more at the moment.

    Even the banks do not have change, a week ago I was given all the withdrawal in 500.00 pesos notes since that is all they had, in order to get monedas you have to go when the bank opens, all the small comerciantes deposit the big notas and take the change for the day, the early bird gets the change.

  • Hahahahahaha I just accepted a mini roll of 5's and 2's from Home Depot today. Vamos a ver. If this one was a scam they stood on their head pulling it off. The cajero ran out of small bills. People ran around looking for change. Finally it came in the form of feria.

    Feria can be hard to come by. Full rolls of 5's to me would be unusual for cambio. I wouldn't accept it. I have a hunch the rellenos de rodanas trick would involve a gasolinera.

    FERIA Pocket change
    RODANA Washer
    RELLENO Filling
    CAMBIO Change
    GASOLINERA Gas station
  • bopp that is an excelent idea, and yes you can ask them to open the package, that way they are responsible for the contents.

  • Can you ask the sales clerk to open it before you even touch the coin package?
  • Thanks for the heads up. We usually see 1.00 peso coins taped together in groups of ten, but will be suspicious of anything else.