Forum Discussion

navegator's avatar
Nov 18, 2017

SCT route planning in Mexico

There is an APP from Secretaria de Cominicaciones y Transportes SCT to help plan you route from point to point.

SCT has created an App for travelling in Mexico, it calculates distance,toll costs, time and fuel, It calculates point to point, climate conditions, hazardus areas, emergency services, gives mechanical repair shops.

Two separate routs are calculated, one secure road and an alternate road with general descriptions and one with more detail.

It gives points of inerest, rest areas, tourist cities, gas stations, emergency services, stores and more.

Mappir is a free application for the smart phone, down loaded from the AppStore or Goog Play or from:

Mappir can also be axcesesd by Twitter, Instagram or facebook, it appears as "*mapeando México"

I just found this, I do not have a smart phone, maybe some of you that use these places can check and see if this is something that can help you travell in Mexico, you might have to learn some more Spanish.

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