Johndanielscpa wrote:
,,why doesn't the person you are communicating with work with their seniors to change it?
That would be the question of the day. From my experience working in government, the status quo and the lowest bid are gods. Nobody wants to "rock the boat" and end up being responsible for anything "bad." Problem is, the good is ignored. There's plenty of evidence that not only are high-speed "blind" signals dangerous, the warning lights do not cause a statistical spike in red-light running. If they did, you'd find that in traffic code. If anything, people speed up to a signal because they don't know it's changing, not because they do know it is
enblethen wrote:
California does not follow the full requirements of the MUTCD.
.Thanks! You probably know of the warning lights near the Moses airport on the 17. There's a big hill approaching Grape Drive, where I find the warning flashers very helpful. Way to go Moses Lake!