Old-Biscuit wrote:
What is that drives you nuts?
1) that they have traffic signals on a 55 mph 'freeway' at major intersections
2) that they have warning lights that flash all the time to get drivers attention
3) that they aren't going to comply with your suggestion
Those warning lights that flash prior to the light turning so in fact exist in California. In fact I have seen sign that actually light up with a "Prepare to Stop Ahead" message when the light is getting ready to change. In the cases I am familiar with where they have those signs or lights, it's because of limited visibility of the approaching intersection usually because of a curve. I don't know if that is why they are telling you it's not in their criteria or not.
And it's just semantics, but there are not traffic lights on "Freeways" in California. Freeway has a legal definition and if the road has cross traffic it can't be a Freeway.