hotpepperkid wrote:
Orion wrote:
Maybe because I grew up with them in the UK, but I like roundabouts. We have quite a few of them around here and I know that they greatly reduce the severity of accidents that do occur. They are very much favoured by our provincial car insurance company as the total of accident damage is down.
The one in our village seems to work very well, although in the beginning, drivers were thinking that the old rules of right away applied as ours is a minor road crossing a major road. Drivers driving into the roundabout from the minor road were unnecessarily waiting for the road to be clear, but even more dangerously, drivers coming in from the major road thought they had the right of way over those already in the roundabout. I can see that you would not have that confusion if both roads were the same.
Our roundabout has a low curb on the outer ring to allow big trucks to navigate easily, so it is not a problem.
The only problem we still have is that very few drivers indicate when they leave the roundabout, slowing things down.
As a RVer they can put their roundabouts when the sun don't shine. None that I have been it can handle a large RV. They may be OK if your driving a small car
The problem with most roundabouts in the US is they have been installed after the fact in existing intersections. So there is generally limited space and they make them too small. So combine the small circle with the fact that us Americans aren't used to roundabouts and they are a pain. It's been many years since I was in the UK, but I recall the roundabouts there and they worked well because they were huge. Some of them seemed to be several hundreds of feet in diameter at the inner most lane.