My mon used to make arroz con calabasas, make sure that you use the Mexican squash and not the Italian squash (Suckini), totally different taste, cut the calabasa cross cut and drop the round pieces in the rice before cooking, you can also use shrimp with the arroz, also with zanahorias (carrots), you can use some "Knorr" caldo de pollo, in the USA you can find Thelma small cubes of chicken broth that come from Israel and are not too salty for those of you that need to watch the salt intake, sorry Canadians I do not know what is sold in your stores to help much, but enjoy the good food.
I do miss a good moose steak with new potatoes and MÃœRCLAR mushrooms in a white wine sauce and lingonberries , very Swedish fare, there are no moose in California or Mexico, so I have to settle for flank steak in the USA or arrachera in Mexico, marinated in dark beer and a little bit of chipotle and the next day on the grill.
Provecho señores.