bamcote wrote:
rockhillmanor wrote:
CueSee wrote:
This is pretty interesting for cross border shopping, especially for us here in Québec who pay a hair more than 15% sales tax
I bought a Canon zoom in New Hampshire at Best Buy and saved nearly $300.00 if I compared the price plus tax of my local photo store. Best Buy in Canada also respects the guarantees of items bought in BB in the States.
YIKES! 15% tax. I decided not to buy RV property in TN when I saw their tax was almost 10%. :B
When you RV to the states are you allowed to stock up on goods at a lower tax rate and bring it back across the border?
But to register a motorhome in TN is only 24 dollars a year.
Ahh yes and that was the same reason I had to write of Georgia!!!
I have 2 cars and 1 MH. Registration in the lovely state of GA is based on the 'value' of your vehicles. I just couldn't fathom peeling off thousands of dollars every year to put plates on them.
It is a fact though. Low state taxes and they have to get it somewhere else. High state taxes and another item will be much lower.
NO state is a win win situation for the consumer. Florida comes close not having to pay taxes on retirement income. :W