Forum Discussion

katevesco's avatar
Apr 05, 2014

storing trailer in Mexico

We are going to store our 29' Jay Feather Lt. trailer in a secure park in Jalisco. This is in the mountains so there will be no salt problems.
We would like to cover the trailer for the summer months and bought a heavy duty used billboard sign. It is 23' X 40'. It weighs a lot. We wonder if there is an easy way to support the tarp and lifting the tarp into position.
If there is an answer I know it will be here with

Earlier I asked for assistance looking for a company in Guadalajara who could fix our roof after a tree fell on it. Thanks to all who gave advice. The roof is fixed and our trailer is back on our lot.

  • We live beach front in Southern California. Our car lives outside under an Evolution 5 car cover. We learned the hard way not to use other than a breathable fabric. Our coach is parked here about 7 months a year. Cover? Nope, the friction from the wind would trash it worse than the salt and wind. We hand wax religiously once a year and after a big wind, rinse off the salt. The last coach didn't need a paint job until it was 23 years old. I'd be horribly afraid of using a non breathing tarp over the trailer. Been there, done that. I'd leave it exposed first. Good Luck!
  • All good advice. I think we are going to go with the 2" PVC pipe and lay it flat on the roof and extend it 4 to 6 inches beyond the edge, bringing the tarp down the front, rear and sides of the trailer. We will secure with tarp with heavy rope. There are grommets every 24 inches along the edge of the tarp. Fingers crossed. Let you know next October.

    Thank you all
  • I bury tires 3/4ths the way into the ground, then use BIG RIG TRUCK RATCHET STRAPS tossed over top the rig and fastened to the tires. Cargo nets, more rope whatever works to spread the clamping over a big area. The cargo straps will hold many tons of pressure and they are rated for sun and hurricanes. I ran the tarps under the rig then used bungees to hook through eyelets and onto frame supports, whatever. The edges cannot be allowed to flap or they will tear and fray. I had to use two dozen bungees and ended up buying a tarp grommet kit to add grommets wherever I liked.
  • I have to wonder about using different materials as vehicle covers. We once had one of those bra things and it rubbed the paint off the front of our car. If the wind blows and the cover moves around won't it rub on the vehicle and cause damage? I know we see people cover RVs with different things all the time but then we see them blowing in the wind and have to wonder if damage is not occurring. If the vehicle is meant to be outdoors and also going down the road it is designed and built to withstand the elements. Does it really need to protection from something that could provide less than desirable protection? I would not use one - but then we are on the road over 9 months per year.
  • Thank you both. We do have a 10 year permit so no worries there. Also there is a lot of help around here so that is not the problem. The problem is how to hold that heavy tarp in place. We are thinking PVC pipe.
  • This may get interesting. Do you have a 10-year RV permit for the pickup and the trailer. That will really grease the skids officially. If you have the 180-day permit and go to turn in the TIP at the border and they see no trailer connected they are going to say, No Trailer No Cancellation.

    Been there done that with the roof cover. Used corrugated green fiberglass patio roofing. 1/4" rivets with backing washers. Without a tree and a chain hoist your bill board is going to be a tough row to hoe. I used multiple Harbor Freight gray tarps, but left enough opening for ventilation. Creating a bat cave will grow mold that the Center For Disease Control would flee from.
  • You might get a wider response by posting this question in one of the other forum here on

    That said, a heavy canvas tarp will require at least two people.
    I can get a blue plastic tarp over my camper by myself using nylon line attached at each corner and the middle.
    And an extendable pole (used for window washing) to prod the tarp up and over into place.

    With a heavy canvas you'll probably need two step ladders and two people.