We travelled with a 6 pound cat in the past, without issue. And always travel with our dogs. Dogs are a way of life here, so usually no campground issues in Yukon or Alaska.
Always keep your dog leashed though. It won't be familiar with the local hazards so best to keep it connected to you when you're out and about. For instance, there are porcupines in Yukon.
Some dogs don't do well with bears; some bring the bear back to the humans - not a good thing! :D
The coyotes and wolves tend to not bother dogs when a human is around.
Some locals let their dogs runs loose, and not all those loose dogs are friendly with other dogs, so keep your dog close. Our 45lb dog's head fit quite nicely inside a huge dog's mouth when we were hiking one time. The other dog's humans weren't in sight as it had run ahead to greet our dogs, I guess. It didn't react to my kicking it either, it was huge! Likely 150 lbs or more, it seemed twice the size of our 90 lb dog. It finally let go when I booted it in the butt. My dog had numerous bleeding holes in his head & ears after that and the other dog's humans quickly disappeared with their dog after they arrived on site and realized what had happened. My dog recovered well enough.