Forum Discussion

briansue's avatar
Feb 05, 2016


We just read an online article about Jose Cuervo and the family effort to increase tourism to Tequila . . .

Which made me think maybe we can talk them into building an RV park there - they are billionaires so they can afford it.

I found their website and a way to contact them and I sent them a message suggesting that we RVers would like to visit Tequila and Cuervo but since there is no RV park near there it can be difficult to visit since we cannot find a place to park. So why not talk them into building an RV park in or near Tequila. Why not? So I am starting a sort of movement to get you RVers out there to contact Cuervo with the idea of an RV park in Tequila. It would be a great location for an RV park for many reasons other than just drinking tequila. Here is the web address for Cuervo and the page for making contact by email . . . .

They may have never even thought of the RV community and this could be a chance to talk someone who can afford it into building a new RV park in an area many of us could use an RV park.

  • We did the Hueradura tour a few years ago, in business since the 1880's, with some of the older plant still on display, from the 1920's. We did another trip later from Chimulco RV and Resort balinario at Villa Corona, not a very long drive. We had lunch at a restaurant in Tequila, remembering the entire street becoming engulfed as a sand storm blew down toward us. It wasn't the giant desert sand storm we sometimes see photos of, just that we stepped into what may have been a big dust devil.

    The Hueradura distillery near Amatitan, just east of Tequila, had a very good tour, which cost a very small amount, but at the end we were almost left with the products they made, I think we could almost pour what we wanted to sample ourselves. very liberal that time. These products carry the Horseshoe on their label. The entire area seems dry, and I wonder if enough water is around to provide for an RV Park. Other than the distilleries, I think there isn't a lot to do close by,so many would limit themselves to only a couple of days before moving on. This is still a predominately agricultural area growing the beautiful blue agave and a few miles away, sugar cane. There is so much more to see in Guadalajara and the many, many towns beyond, to the south and east of that huge city; and the hot springs near Villa Corona.
  • Thanks to Google Translate I just sent them a message as well

    On the website there is a black line at the top. To the far right of the line could be the letters ES - with a down arrow. If you click on the arrow a dropdown will open with the option to see the site in English - just click to see English.

    Just thought Tequila could be a good location between places like Mazatlan or further down the coast for folks going east or west to make an overnight rest stop. It could also be close enough to Guadalajara to be able to visit there as well.

    Since the article says they want more tourists to visit Tequila I thought maybe some of those of us who roam around Mexico might let them know we are out here and some of us could be interested in stopping in Tequila. They might just bite. And you never know when you might need it - San Jose del Tajo can't last much longer the way they are going. The one and only time we checked out Chimulco they were full up with boondocking in a field and RVs crammed in the spaces like sardines - never went back. And it never hurts to have another RV park option anywhere. Can't see any reason not to take a minute or two to drop them a line to let them know we are out here.
  • Great town and great tour from Cuervo. Would be nice if there was an RV park nearby. We are currently in Chumulca and making a day trip to visit, tour and, of course, taste. Fortunately we have a non drinking driver but would be so nice not to drive all the way back to our RV.