Forum Discussion

Grey_Mountain's avatar
Jul 11, 2015

The Battle of Britain

July marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. After visiting one of the air squadrons, Sir Winston Churchill stated his famous "Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."

As a guest in your beautiful country, I will pause for a moment and render a slow, silent salute to the 112 Canadians who participated in that momentous point in history.

  • We've been to the Museum in Comox on Vancouver Island manytimes. My British Bride, born in 1945, grew up playing on the bombed out rubble of SE London.

    The British had three favorite saying about the Americans:

    1. Over paid
    2. Over sexed.
    3. Over hear.

  • The Americans who volunteered for the RAF had to dodge the law to serve, as a result many claimed to be Canadian.

    Canada has never forgiven us for the damage to their reputation. :-)
  • During the battle of Britain my parents, brother and sister spent many nights under the stairs (considered the safest place) in our remote cottage in Southern England. German bombers returning from London would jettison any remaining bombs before crossing back over the English channel. My mother was left traumatised for the rest of her life until she died in the 80's. I can only thank God that they all survived, I would never had been here otherwise
  • I thank our servicemen and women each day for there service and sacrifices that includes all of our allies.
  • Grey - as a Canuck just a suggestion - as you head south, assuming you use #2 in Alberta do not miss the Bomber Command museum in Nanton Alberta!!
  • Thanks Gray!

    I had the pleasure of working on the restoration of a Hawker Hurricane
    that was flown in the Battle of Britain movie.
  • Also when a haughty matron said to him "If I was your wife I would put poison in your whiskey!" To which he replied "If I was your husband I would drink it!" My kind of guy!!!!
  • That is Winston's greatest quote in my opinion. He was a very wise and intelligent man, excepting the Galipolli Campaign, and quick-witted also.

    I remember reading a blurb about Winston and a certain smart-mouthed reporter of sorts at a cocktail party once. The 'reporter' said to Winston (quotes are approximate) ...

    "I don't drink, I don't smoke, I sleep all night and I'm 100% fit!"

    To which Winston replied ...

    "I drink, I smoke, I work mostly at night and I'm 200% fit!"

    Brilliant comeback.

    Gotta love that man as one of the century's greatest.
  • Thanks, Grey. All of us, including me, who whine about having a bad day should remember what a bad day looked like 75 years ago.