What to do in Los Anchorage:
- FWIW, if you want to visit Homer, then go for it as a "Visit Homer" objective. It's too far and (strictly IMNSHO) not worth the travel other than just for the scenery as a "meanwhile" activity while visiting Anchorage
- Some folks like the Native Heritage Center...
- Hike in Chugach State Park from either Glen Alps or Upper Huffman parking areas...or from any number of stops between Anchorage and Girdwood: at a minimum, there's nice mountain views from near the Glen Alps parking lot..or one could climb Flattop (short but fairly aggressive) from Glen Alps.
- Alaska Aviation Museum on Lake Hood
- Anchorage Museum "downtown" on 6th & somewhere ( I can picture it, can't remember the address)
- Have a drink or two at the Millenium Hotel on Lake Hood and watch the float plane traffic
- Visit Portage Glacier Visitor center...bit ho-hum but interesting nevertheless.....
- ....as is the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center also in Portage
- Take the 26 Glacier Cruise out of Whittier.
- Go fishing out of either Whittier or Seward if interested. Seward (2.5 hours from Los Anchorage) is a neat little town to visit on it's own merits aside from the "what can I do from here" aspect. If you have a whole day, take the Alaska Railroad to and back from Seward
- Whitewater rafting is available around Hope (going south from Anchorage) or on the Matanuska River (going North)
- A visit to the Alaska Public Lands Information Center is kind of neat, even if not for a specific purpose.
- Watering holes that I like: F Street Station, Sullivan's Steakhouse, Club Paris, Ginger (all downtown, Club Paris and Ginger are good restaurants, for their cuisine types, as well); 7 Glaciers (at the top of Mount Alyeska, also a good restaurant);
- Flightseeing (of various lengths/costs) from Lake Hood
- Eagle River Visitor Center at Chugach State Park (Not the Eagle River campground)