JRscooby wrote:
dedmiston wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
I have heard some flatlanders bought chains before going into area where might be needed, carried for while, than returned to get most of money back (Sounds like a rent thing to me). But all I talked to where running 22.5 or 24.5 wheels, might not be available in your size or area. Might look into it though.
Nope. No returns on snow chains anywhere in CA. It's been that way for decades. Sometimes you can get away with an exchange if you bought the wrong ones, but even that is iffy.
Is that a law, or just stores can get away with that policy?
I confess, I have not put a wheel in the state sense '69. Not much for spending money/paying taxes in a area that would not let me work.
It's a store policy. Stores that sell chains have signs all over the place and some even make you sign something.