Forum Discussion

johnalavery's avatar
Jan 22, 2016

Travel to Rocky Point with a cat

We are planning our first venture to Mexico, (Rocky Point) in March and have a cat. She has all her shots but my question is of food. According to what I've read is you can only bring enough food for one day and have to purchase cat food in Mexico for the remainder of our week stay. Any info would be a help Thanks John
  • Playa De Oro has a real problem with these wild cats. Please don't feed them. We have to "clean" them out at least once a year.
  • Even if you don't bring food for the cat, there is a Sam's and a WallyMart there. Sam's will let you in on a "day pass" so you don't have to be a member
  • If you are concerned, because they can ask about food, just put it under a counter, out of sight.

    Rabies is NOT required for cats in the US, even returning from international travel.
  • Have been to RP so many times I can't count them. You may take all the pet food you want with no problems. Before Barb started taking care of the stray dogs we used to buy a 40 pound bag of dog food and feed as many strays as we could every time we went. Now we donate to her every time we go down to help out her cause. If you see her sign you might want to stop and donate yourself. Be sure to take your cat's rabies vaccination certificate as you may need it to reenter the US. Be sure to go to Playa Bonita for the best happy hour in RP.