Forum Discussion

KO's avatar
Feb 20, 2014

Travelilng with Grandson

A little help. I am planning on traveling from lower US to Alaska and driving thru Canada. I will be traveling with my 7 year old Grandson. What "paper work" will I need for him to cross borders?
  • To hijack the thread ... that sounds like so much fun. I have only 1 grandson, and he is 9 months old. I can't wait till he's old enough to break away from Mom and Dad and he and I can take a trip together. I had some great times with my son, so he knows I'm already planning ahead! I hope you have a wonderful time!
  • You will need a passport and a legal letter from his parents saying that they give approval for him to be with you. You should also add that if an accident occured you had the authority to make decisions. Make sure you have medical coverage for him and you are fully aware of any medical conditions andbmedication he needs. Medication should be in the original container.

    My friend travels to Virginia and brings her grandson up for a month in the summer and then takes him home.

    Enjoy your trip.
  • I believe a passport is needed now for Canada. A letter from his parents giving consent to have you travel with him and permission to seek medical treatment if needed, would be a good idea. Also, a copy of their medical insurance card to use for him in the event he is injured or in need of medical care. Maybe a copy of his birth certificate in the event you need two forms of identification for him.
  • Besides a passport you will need a signed and possibly notarized letter giving you permission for him to be with you. Traveling by non custodial people with small children can be a daunting task. Best is to ask Canadian customs for the correct information before you get too far.