Forum Discussion

_03_Providence's avatar
May 25, 2015

Traveling N on hwy 89 from 395 going into Lk Tahoe.

Just wondering if there's any input for a 40' rig traveling north on the 89 (from 395)into lake Tahoe towing a 26' boat. We're nearly 70' in total. Road grades and turns.... Will we be ok? Thanks. I have a cat-330 pushing us.
  • 89 off of 395 going north is probably not your best bet. Haven't been over it in years, but I don't think it's changed much. I would not take my rig over that highway.

    If Tahoe is your destination, why not continue on 395 to hwy 50?

  • Monitor Pass is one of the higher ones in the Sierras. It's closed in the winter. It's not as narrow or steep as S 4 or 102 (Sonora), but bicyclists like to include it in in their 'I can conquer the mountains' rides.

    US50 the easiest way up to the Lake.

    And if heading further north, choose the east side of the lake. The west side has a serious curve where it crosses a hogback.
  • We returned to Reno from Lake Tahoe via 89, that is one steep mother. I wouldn't tow anything over it.
  • agree with above also do not let your gps send you over 207 it is even steeper and curvier ( mine tried to send me this way after i didn't take 89 and was heading for 395 and 50)
  • Thanks to all. I suppose since our destination is south lake Tahoe, I was looking for the most direct route. I see now 50 is the most reasonable choice. Much thanks!