Forum Discussion

stevemorris's avatar
Jul 18, 2016

Travelling From Sarnia Ont. to New Brunswick

we've done this trip many times, with trailer and without

but always the "express route". 401 to montreal, 20 to nb and the highway to f'ton direct. like I said always the express route and less than 24 hrs, usually overnight to the nb border

anyway this year, its going to be the slow route for a change.

sarnia to barrie(visit friends), barrie to Ottawa(visit friends) then a scenic route(I hope) to nb, 2 or 3 days is fine or even more

we'd like to avoid montreal if we can, although the new 30 hwy is a huge improvement.


north around montreal, cross the st Lawrence at Quebec city or even riviere du loup(ferry)?

south around montreal?

open to ideas!
  • If you`re going to make comparisons to the Cabot Trail, look across The Gulf. Gros Morne National Park is the best national park I`ve enjoyed. I used to live 1.5 hours drive from the southern side of that park. Take at least a week to each side, south of Bonne Bay and north of Bonne Bay. & that`s not allowing for the rest of said province.

  • Sea Dog wrote:
    I second the trip around the Gaspe if you have time.
    Much nicer than the greatly over rated Cabot trail!

    that's funny, my sister lives ON the cabot trail, near the Englishtown ferry

    the gaspe is a definite possibility. take a week or so? riviere du loup around to cambellton nb? then south to see family in f'ton
  • I second the trip around the Gaspe if you have time.
    Much nicer than the greatly over rated Cabot trail!
  • thanks for the suggestions, i'll check them out on google earth
    we know nb well, I grew up there.
    the hartland bridge is always a rest stop too. in fact I'm probably the only person to ever backup a trailer/truck out of the bridge from halfway across, a car in front of us broke down in the bridge!! nothing like backing a trailer in a long covered bridge for about 1/4 mile in the dark of course
  • You could from Mtl go thru the Charlevoix region all the way to Baie Comeau and take the ferry to Matane. From Matane the drive in the Matapedia Valley is very nice and much of the road is in great condition (I was there last week). Or drive to Sainte Anne des Monts from Matane (70kms or so) and drive thru the Chic Choc mountains, another real nice drive. Or :) do the entire Gaspesie coast. When the weather is nice its great!

  • Yep worked out of Sudbury in the 70s.

    - Worked with teams in NE ON and Western ON. Thus, leaving The Maritimes, took ferry across R. St. Lawrence to St. Simeon and up along the Saguenay. Could have done more there.

    Headed west in Val d'Or area and over to route 11 to see Timmins and Kirkland Lake area, the to pick up north side of the Great Lakes going west on my cross continent trip.

    You could go north from Ottawa and do my route or area and then cross to Riviere du Loup going the reverse of me.

    Also, stick to north of NB for places like Acadien Historical Village.

    Look up Hartland Bridge and pick that up too.

    just keep on the prowl all beaut country.
