I have been going to Yellowstone NP for 62 years, I see different things every time I go and always see the Park like it is my first trip.
I see the average tourist jump out of his car run up take a picture and jump back in the car and head down the road.
We spent 115 days last year on our trip to Alaska and return to Florida. I have already started a list of things we missed or want to see again. Going up through BC and then our return back through BC by a different route was magnificent, and whetted my appetite for our trip to Banff & Jasper this year.
I read with interest people who are in a hurry and saw last year people in a hurry to get to Alaska and back. They see nothing, enjoy nothing and wonder why.
I got lots of information, suggestions from people on this site. #1 was go slow, take your time, look, see, touch, smell and savor the adventure! Thanks to all for that!