Forum Discussion

big_murph_279's avatar
Apr 25, 2014

Trip out west

The wife and I were talking today and I think we are going to plan a trip out west next year. We live in North Carolina. I would like to se the Grand Canyon and anything else that would be good for a 4 and 9 year old. We need some ideas of things to do and places to stay so that we can start planning the trip and the budget. Thanks in advance.
  • Dick_B wrote:
    For that age children I'd stick around home. The Western parks are wonderful but not for kids. The Grand Canyon is just a hole in the ground and you'll drive 2000 miles to see it. I'd wait another 5 year at least maybe even 10 years.

    Agree...wait until they are older and can really appreciate the great things out West.

    Why not Disney World? That the kids would love and bet you guys would a lot closer for a 1 month trip.
  • Don't pay any attention to Dick_B; he has this thing about the Grand Canyon. Let's see, it is one of the great natural wonders of the world and he is the only one I have ever heard badmouth it.

    With a 4 and 9 year old I would kinda agree with the above. Lots of long days of travel and all. Unless you have lots of time to spend places I would think about moving it out a few years.
  • I agree that Bryce, especially, is a great experience and you may as well see some of the adjacent parks in UT, as well. Crater Lake in Oregon is worth seeing as is the Oregon coast, especially the northern half. I've never been to Disneyland but everyone loves it, especially kids. Here in WA the coastal rain forests are quite beautiful as is Mt. Rainier. The Mt. St. Helens monument park is also well worth a visit. Guess a lot depends on how much time you have to spend.
  • For that age children I'd stick around home. The Western parks are wonderful but not for kids. The Grand Canyon is just a hole in the ground and you'll drive 2000 miles to see it. I'd wait another 5 year at least maybe even 10 years.
    Take them to Cedar Point, Ohio and they'll remember it forever for the right reasons.
  • We are teachers, so it would be in the summer months. We can take a month or so if money allows. That is why I need some ideas. Then I need to look at the budget to see about time.
  • Yellowstone!

    If I had to choose with small children, I would go to Yellowstone rather than the Canyon.

    (I have whitewater rafted the length of the Canyon and have spent weeks at Yellowstone so I am more than familiar with both.)

    Kids will be much more interested in geysers, buffalo and bears than in a hole in the ground, no matter how impressive to adults.
  • There are lots of us out here who would be more than willing to help and have a lot of experience with all kinds of places and things to do and places to stay.

    It would help us to help you if you would let us know a little of your timeframe (time of year, how much time available out here, interests, etc).

    Personally, I could fill a couple months at least for you! :-)
  • Last time I went to grand Canyon I hit Zion and some of the other Utah parks, Monument Valley, Mesa Verde, Dinosaur Natl Park and a host of other places I can't recall off the top of my head ... depends on how much time you have ... lots to see.