Thanks for the information! Good to get first hand knowledge.
So if I'm reading correctly, the rain forest area is on the west side, in the area that Tom/Barb mentioned? Around Hoh Oxbow and Upper Hoh Road? Hoh Rain Forest Visitor's Center? Appears there's a CG there, no? Are there any attractions/things to see and do on the reservations along the coast?
Rain forest is definitely something we want to experience. Though I grew up in the Southeast US, I've been in arid Colorado long enough that semi-desert is what I'm familiar with. Want to experience that rain forest and the verdant greens I see in so many travelogues.
What about the area around South Beach and Kalaloch? That looks interesting and would give us a view of the Pacific Ocean (never been to the Pacific).
Hadn't thought about going over to Vancouver but that's certainly something to think about. Can that be done in a day, or should more time be allotted?