Wandering rambler wrote:
...I am planning on a three months for this trip, with My D/W and me. Is this doable, in this amount of time, without being rushed. This would my first trip longer than one week. I am welcome to any suggestions...
Wandering rambler wrote:
...Just have to plan my route now...
The loop you are considering is about 6,000 miles without counting the in and around driving to sight see. At 300 miles per travel day, that would mean about 20 days of driving if all your stops were evenly spaced which they will not be. We have found that we prefer to keep day trips to under 60 miles one way so we often stop at locations less than 150 miles apart. We also don't plan on doing much in the way of sight seeing on a travel day. On short travel days we may catch up on laundry or stock up on groceries. If there is something in the area that we want to see, we will stay at least 2 nights. We don't like to travel more than 3 or 4 days in a row.
Have fun planning your trip and hope you have a Great Time!!!