Acampingwewillgo wrote:
I could be wrong But I don't think for a minute that any amount of Bashing and/or propping up of Mexico travel on here(this Forum) is swaying anyone's mind either way. I, for one have been to different parts of Mexico plenty of times(probably over 50 times to Tijuana in my youth) and other times (many again) by cruise ship. With all that being said, I, for one, would never think of driving the interior of Mexico with a car let alone an RV and quite frankly, that has little to do with recent CNN reports. It could be from spending most of my life in So Calif(proximity) or because I've personally known of other troubles people have experienced south of the border.
I just think its funny to see the touting of how great travel is down aren't changing my mind one bit and I sincerely doubt your changing anyone else's....But carry on just the same. :-)
I used to think the same way... someone would have to be insane to take an RV into Mexico until I tried it myself. The border towns and the behavior of recent immigrants to America has no real bearing on what life is like in Mexico. Avoid it if you like - maybe it's best that like minded folks do stay away.
But... if you never intend to travel to Mexico why are you here offering an irrelevant opinion???