Okay, so we don't believe the news media, the internet and its forums, and the travel writers. Would you believe those that actually live and travel in Mexico? Or some screwball who sits in an office in Washington with crooked CIA and FBI employees whose job is to promote their own country over others and reads internet threads, drug blogs, and the AP wire?
Do you think for one minute any other country would promote tourism in another especially when it is in proximity of its own viable tourism not to mention those tourism associations that want to promote their own country first? Puhleeze.
This quote from this website sums it up perfectly:
25 Most Dangerous NeighborhoodsWhy neighborhoods and not cities? Even the cities with the highest crime rates can have relatively safe neighborhoods, and thus it is less useful to generalize about an entire city. As I have said before, if were to post some of the "stuff" that people post here about Mexico on other forums within this website, I would be banned. Imagine me bashing the U.S. or Canada even though this is an international forum? I wouldn't last but a day. Besides, I'm here to make friends not enemies. We're all rvers. Stop flag waving and promote rving and fellowship.