Forum Discussion

south-of-the-bo's avatar
Sep 19, 2017


Mexico's SAT (customs office), is not issuing vehicle permits for TRUCK CAMPERS with trucks over 1/2 T....which means F250/ 350 and over if yours is a Ford, this law does not apply to MOTORHOMES of any weight, only truck campers.

The law previously had been on the books, but only recently enforced. I have been traveling into Mexico for over 25 years with a F250 and 350 truck and never had a problem. I have been contacted by some other camper owners who experienced this roadblock.

To verify this I went to the customs entry point at the Texas Border and consulted with officials there, I was shown the law and discussed possible solutions to it. One suggestion was to pay a $200 "adjustment fee", and the other was to change the classification of my truck camper from "pickup with camper" to "motorhome" on the vehicle title (if it is a motorhome on the title it will be permitted).

I checked with the DMV in Texas, and there is a process to change it by permanent mount to the truck and filing a VEHICLE MODIFICATION FORM..

Until this is changed ---- TRUCK CAMPER OWNERS BEWARE, IF YOU PLAN ON TRAVELING INTO MEXICO, especially if you are traveling into Central America, because the southern Mexico customs will not let you return to the USA.
  • We did a walk through of a border town near Big Bend, and the whistles and cat calls for my teenage daughter ensured we will never go back.
  • c.traveler2 wrote:
    For me it's a no brainier, I simply don't go to Mexico and haven't been there in 20 years, plus it's Mexico lost as I see it.

    x2 (or more)
  • Been there many times with the truck camper, I hope they get this issue resolved. Never have I had a problem either, the biggest danger is driving on the roads.
  • free radical wrote:
    I wouldnt go to Mexico if you payed me,,way too much crime due to drug wars and Ive heard many cops are just as crooked as criminals..

    Yeah, all those school shootings and stuff.
  • I wouldnt go to Mexico if you payed me,,way too much crime due to drug wars and Ive heard many cops are just as crooked as criminals..
  • Even the Mexican guys I talk to say don't vacation in Mexico, just stay away.
    That law probably does more good than harm.
  • For me it's a no brainier, I simply don't go to Mexico and haven't been there in 20 years, plus it's Mexico lost as I see it.
  • Huh??
    I'm assuming this post has been removed? not seeing anything, just a blank box.
    ADMIN: you can delete my post if that is the case. Never heard of limit on TC in Mexico.

    Hoping it's a mispost..
