More curiosity about fuels used in Mexico took me to looking at electricity power plants in Mexico.
What does this have to do with ULSD you might ask? When I saw pipelines being built in TX I did not know what they were for. I later learned they are for natural gas. Mexico is building new power plants that will use natural gas. Mexico is also converting old fuel oil (diesel) fired power plants to use natural gas. This will not only help to clean the air but since natural gas has now become a very cheap fuel there could be a reduction in electricity costs. As Mexico converts to natural gas and gets more ULSD shipped in from the US more ULSD should be available for vehicle use - theoretical speculation. Maybe this is relevant and maybe it isn't.
Mexico is also building more hydroelectric plants as well as wind and solar plants - even geothermal and landfill gas (methane). These are all renewable resources producing minimal pollution.
I found many more websites with very little information about the conversion from fuel oil to natural gas. Mexico is spending a lot of money to build new natural gas power plants and to convert old plants to natural gas. Most of what I found online was about all the new pipelines that are being built to move natural gas from the US to Mexico. But also that Mexico is opening up their own natural gas resources by allowing new drilling which will provide them with much more of their own natural gas.
Here is a website and some numbers I found. The columns probably won't line up but you can probably figure it out. Go to the website to learn more.
Fuel Type Number of Power Plants
Hydro............... 67
Natural Gas........ 25
Wind................. 6
Solar Radiation.... 5
Geothermal........ 3
Coal............. 3
Fuel Oil........ 2
Landfill Gas....... 1
Municipal Solid Waste 1
Nuclear.......... 1