Orchard Hill:
Did you provide a mailing address when you sent in your paperwork? Did you use DHL or snail mail? If the latter your paperwork is probably in some landfill in Mexico. I initially received a letter from them stating that my paperwork was incomplete. I needed a letter from the DMV stating that another person had registered that vehicle. Mississippi would not provide that letter. I spent a lot of time on the phone with some gal in Mexico and she insisted that without that letter it would not be canceled. She spoke zero English. My Spanish is so so and really bad when my BP is high! Had she understood English I would have told her what to do with my paperwork! Once I cooled off I contacted the new owner and he provided me with a whole bunch of notarized papers. One showed that he had paid the tax on the MH and another was an official receipt for his application for a title. I sent that via DHL . Cost was outrageous. Getting close to the cost of a cheap airline ticket( well almost). About 6 weeks later Banjercito sent me a " Certificado de Returno Defenitivo" I am going to frame it. What fun!