Forum Discussion

ggimlick's avatar
Jun 28, 2016

US 2 from Montpelier, VT over to Maine

Anybody driven this route in a motorhome towing a car? I'm thinking about going from Plattsburgh, NY over to Bar Harbor, ME and the two routes are across US2 or go all the way south on Interstate 89 and then up I-95. I'm wondering what kind of road US2 is and how the trip across the mountains would be.
  • Trixie47 wrote:
    I will be going from just north of Portland, Maine over to St. Johnsbury, Vt in a couple months. Was quite worried also about the mountains getting there, but seems they are all good drives...will probably be taking 26 to 2 and take it on over to St. Johnsbury ...or....Would 302 be a better ride ? :h

    Both are very scenic, with the nod going to 302. Route 2 looks like it might be hilly, but the pass thru the Whites is virtually flat. There are some long grades on 302 (and north on Route 16 if you are looking at that route.)
  • I will be going from just north of Portland, Maine over to St. Johnsbury, Vt in a couple months. Was quite worried also about the mountains getting there, but seems they are all good drives...will probably be taking 26 to 2 and take it on over to St. Johnsbury ...or....Would 302 be a better ride ? :h
  • Thanks for all the replies, that takes some worry off the route for us. We're still up in the air depending on time so we'll see what happens.

    Thanks again
  • It's a great scenic drive on smooth roads with no real hills to climb; practically flat through NH with scenic Mountains on either side! There are a few hills in Maine but nearly all have truck lanes. We spend our summers right on RT 2 in VT and have made the drive to BH for 50 years - looking forward to the trip this fall. Two days with a stay in NH or western Maine would make a relaxing ride for you.
  • Just drove Rt 2 from St Johnsbury, VT to Bangor two weeks ago. For the most part it was a good road, but locals (like most other areas) tend to drive a lot faster than we do in a MH, so I made it a point to pull over and let people go around once more than a few cars built up behind me. The Green Mountains were no problem.

    We towed our Wrangler with two kayaks and three bikes.

  • Or you can take 302 to 112. Another nice drive thru NH.
  • Wuss? :-) I don't think so, we've crossed the Rockies too many times already, but those seem easier than here in the east. We will break the trip up into two or three days if we head for Bar Harbor regardless of which route we take.

    For some reason the big roads crossing the Rockies just seem easier than the smaller routes we have in the east. I'm always open to suggestions though. If it gets too bad, I can send DW to the back of the coach :-)
  • It's perfectly doable with an RV. Plattsburg to Bar Harbor in one span would make for a pretty long day of travel, regardless of the route.

    IMHO going I-89 to I-93 to I-495 to I-95 (or even I-89 to US4 to I-95) makes very little sense for your trip. It's not like I-89 is flat as a pancake, either, if you're attempting to avoid mountains.
  • Did it pulling 5th wheel. Beautiful ride. Don't be a wuss. My wife was driving
  • We always go down 80 and then up I-95 -- even when not towing. The trip across the mountains isn't much fun and takes forever.
