Forum Discussion

nycsteve's avatar
Sep 11, 2017

US1 Florida Keys Status

As far as I can tell its closed as of 9-11 . They're inspecting the bridges etc. If anyone comes across any info on opening or damage please post. I need to get down to Big Pine Key to see if I still have a house. Kinda doubt it. I've been checking and watching the news but info is spotty to non existant.In any case its easy to miss. As soon as I know its feasible Im heading down from NY.
Thanks guys.
  • Best of luck. I hope all is well but you may be right-things don't look good their at all.
  • There is currently no water, power, or wastewater treatment in the lower Keys. They are not letting anyone enter the Keys.
  • They just said on the news that about half the bridges have checked out as okay. No word on the other half. I heard earlier that draw bridges may be bent. Power and water are big concerns. They also said that people that stuck it out may have to leave.
  • As of an hour ago it is still closed. Even if open, without power there, even if the stations had full underground tanks of gas, they'd have no pumps so you'd need a powerful siphon and cash (credit card readers need power too). It's a bit early. Probably a reason for spotty news too. Police are reportedly still actively discouraging evacuees from reentering the state.