Forum Discussion

LittleJimsSon's avatar
Nov 26, 2016

Utah 20 between I-15 and US-89

What is the condition of UT-20 between Beaver (I-15) and Panguitch (US-89)? Decent 2-lane road? Any problems pulling a trailer over that stretch? Going to travel in May.
  • I've been up in Utah all summer just north of Hwy 20. They've been doing a road widening project up on top where the curves are. Really nice now. 4 lane. Major highway for RV'ers crossing over to the 89.
  • It's the best way with a RV to get across - no big deal... just a 'hill'. Don't take Hwy 14 as that's a biggie!
  • Done it several times. Some grade but not a real issue.
  • Decent road with a grade from the 15 up and over a pass with a grade and a sharp turn towards the bottom then decent to the 89. We use it to get to Marysvale and have run a 43' TH over, and recently a 40' MH towing a 24' trailer. Good signage reminding you of the curves and where to gear down. Nice drive and saves some time. Road down the 89 to Panguitch is 2 lane and flat, a few easy curves.
  • No issues for a trailer. I used it to cut across to I-15 from 89 when we left Zion NP at the end of April this year. Some good hills, but if I remember correctly they had some truck lanes on the climbs. Easy route overall.