Having had more than a few happy hours spoiled - (sitting on a Mexican beach, drinks in hand awaiting the green flash at sunset) - by a Canadian fulminating about the US dollar vs the Canadian dollar - or US healthcare - President Clinton -slavery and abortion - I knew exactly where this thread was going when it was first posted. Just like the Mexican beach happy hours it is best to keep National Pride to one's self.
I do not emblazon my RV or my body with maple leafs or stars and stripes and would not dream of doing so in another country. Back in the 90's when we first started RVing in Mexico there were a lot more United States RVers than there are now. Is there any correlation between my Happy Hour encounters with xenophobic outspoken Canadians and the decline of RV's from the United States?
This forum has lost a good many knowledgeable people over the years and there are few other forums centered on Mexico autonomous travel. Although I have temporarily parked the RV and now travel by motorcycle in Mexico I still value the information available here.
Comments about renouncing citizenship, likewise (and these folks never actually do carry out their threat - although I wish they would! ;) ) have no place in this forum.
Let's try being a little less political and a little more inclusive, eh?