Posted By: alfredmay on 04/30/13 09:03am
I agree with using the Garden State parkway.
Also.....propane is NOT allowed in the tunnels in Baltimore. If you go north on I-95 use the Key Bridge. I personally like using US 50 to the Bay Bridge to US 301 to SR 896 then back to the Interstate and over the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Then US 40 to AC
Can you please tell me approximately how far along 95N, from Washington DC, would I find the Key Bridge and US 50 etc.?
I just read an earlier post which said the following:
Yes, there is no propane at Baltimore harbor tunnels. You will need to take exit 49B Baltimore Beltway Inner Loop, then back to 95 North. This is a quote from Maryland Transit: "Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895)" cannot carry in excess of 10 gallons propane. Your rv tank is larger than 10 gallons. We always take 695 Inner Loop.
Is this an easier/better option?