Bottled water in a returnable garafon is VERY environmentally friendly. I and 2 litres in disposable bottles are not. Oxxo stores carry the "good" water but it is more than 10 pesos.
I had to Google garafon to try to figure out what it is. Some say it is a 5 gallon jug like the ones the turn upside down on water coolers in the US? Some say there is no specific size - they can be anywhere from 10 liters to 20 liters. Definitions say it is a big bottle of water. Then I Googled weight of a liter and came up with roughly a kilo - or 2.2 pounds in the US. So quick math says 10 liters is around 20 pounds and 20 liters could be around 40 pounds. Google says a gallon of water weighs exactly 8.345404 pounds - so a 5 gallon jug would be more than 40 pounds. Is this what you mean by garafon? Do you have them delivered? How do you pour from them? If you are travelers as we are do you have to return them to the same place? How much room do they take up and where do you put them? I also Googled places that make purified water in Mexico and at least some of them use UV - also filters etc. and probably reverse osmosis. I think we will just stick with our $100 UV system.