Hello Charlie, haven't seen your name up there in a while. You probably know everything about from your house to SA. From there do US90W on over to Langtry,Marfa, Alpine and Marathon. Do the trip S. to Big Bend, it'll be hot if not fall or spring. Do all the things you mentioned but other than the Davis Mts. West Texas all looks pretty much the same. When you go to Palo Duro visit the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum at the University in Canyon. Well worth the time to spend a very cool afternoon. The show "Texas" in the Canyon is excellent. Only thing is when we went a couple of yrs. ago and it rained, yes I said rained and they had to stop the show. While in that area head on over to New Mexico to Cimmaron, Eagle Nest, Red River or Taos. Lots cooler at 7000'.