Woah. Glad the treatment and outcome of your situation "up here" was outstanding! You are very lucky.
I read this morning that the life expectancy for someone with a blocked heart / heart attack, or similar is only ~3 hours or less.
I think as we get older (I mean over 55 ~ 60), we have to realize that the probability of us encountering severe accidental health situation diminishes tremendously; however, our probability of running into catastrophic health issue due to being over middle-age (ie. any of the myriad heart conditions that can lead to rapid mortality) increases tremendously. So, as we age, we trade one set of potential negative health cohorts for another.
Its a tough call whether to travel in the 3rd World (or, least-developed countries) when we're post ~~60. Life is all about probabilities-- thousands, millions of possible outcomes whether we stay at home, or travel through least developed places. I suppose, if we live in a post-industrial highly-developed country, one could stay at home, work out in the home gym and pool; order all our food from grocery store delivery; never drive in winter; avoid public transit (cesspools of human-to-human airborne pathogens) and air and train; organize your life so you set up at your office in your home; have an emergency plan for the 7 most likely scenarios to befall one (flood, tornado, hurricane, civil unrest, earthquake, medical emergency); avoid alcohol and tobacco completely; mitigate most potential health disasters by having every relevant test done annually.........but how many of us do all this religiously, a little bit, more than a little bit, or 100% ? IMO, if one practiced just 5 of the above religiously, this alone would probably prolong our lives some x years...hmmm?