Fully recognizing that you're looking for somewhere to drive to:
- Have you considered a bear-seeing airplane trip from somewhere along the route of your journey? I know that Los Anchorage, Wasilla, Homer, Valdez all offer such options?
- Agree with others....look for salmon runs and viewing opportunities where you're already headed...starting to get on the downhill side of things.
- Last year I took a couple of hikes out of Cooper Landing into the National Forest (that's all the detail I remember)...and found for the first time that the paranoid signs about bears were at least partially accurate.
- If one just wants to see Ursus without it necessarily being in a wild setting, I suggest that Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage as has already been mentioned.
- FWIW, there were a couple of black bears around my cabin and they should still be within 10 miles, but they were high-tailing it out after the booming of the shots into the dirt to scare them away. Not really road accessible though... :)