paulj wrote:
From other threads it sounds as though the oil field congestion affects US2 in the western half of the state, but not I94 so much. Medora is still open to tourists.
I'll personally vouch for that. Took both routes (US 2 one trip, I-94 via Fargo from Grand Forks second trip) going from Grand Forks to Washington state last year.
I-94 was what I considered normal traffic, even in Dickinson area, which is also heavily invested in the oil boom.
US 2 was normal until one gets west from Minot, then it gets busy.
I-94 good road, and others have described sites to see along that route. I much prefer I-94 over I-90, but to be clear, it is I-90 in Wyoming I dislike.
I-90 Wyoming is a nice road, but wow. It is rural empty nothing out there until one gets to Buffalo (I-90 and I-25 split there) and moves north. Between the South Dakota border and Buffalo there is really only Gilette WY, and further west almost nothing.
At least on the I-94 route there is good scenery, and to me, especially following the Yellowstone River once one hits Glendive MT.