The average November low in Calgary is 18F (-7C), but temps below 0F/-17C are not unheard of. Highs will likely be above freezing which will help.
That's some serious winter camping (at least to me in the USA Pacific Northwest, where I rarely camp in freezing temps), I'd start by searching for "cold weather" camping tips. Without knowing what RV you're renting and how it's prepped for winter, it's hard to give specific tips, but be prepared to burn a lot of propane to keep yourself warm (and keep your water from freezing)
I'd find out exactly what "winter package" means and what you need to do to keep things from freezing. A winter package could mean extra insulation on the walls/windows, tanks and piping in heated spaces, heated waste/water tanks, snap on underskirts, etc. You'll need to know how to make sure that everything that should be heated is, which could mean turning on tank heaters, opening cabinet doors, etc. Don't assume that the winter package means the RV will just handle the weather without any action from you.