Plan your route then stay flexible. I'40 thru the Texas panhandle and on to Albuquerque and Kingman AZ can close at an eye blink or it can be a lovely ride. Last winter West Texas was glare ice on I-10 from just west of San Antonio all the way to just east of El Paso around New Years. New Mexico I-10 was snowy, but runable as long as you watched out for slippery parts. I-20 was terrible, worse than I-10 in the ice. We've traveled I-10 every year for the last 10 years and this was the worst year.
Just keep on the radio and Internet watching for storms, temps and road conditions. I-10 doesn't have as high altitudes as some other routes and is usually OK but you just have to watch it. We hit a rest area on I-10 in West Texas that was so slick that DW had to run the toad pickup in 4WD pushing the rig to help me get out. Slope was about 1% and people were all over the place.