FFWIFE50 wrote:
Are there many places to pull over and sleep or bml land along the way
I can't speak for the US section. Once into Alberta you will have opportunities in any city to utilize a box store parking lot. Here is an Alberta list of Rest Areas. The locations are on left side of page.
Here is the BC Rest Area list.
http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/restareas/?zoom=5&loc=-126.600000%2C54.589121BC has lots of pull offs. You will see some that are marked No Camping or No Overnighting. You can ignore the signs. No one has ever been asked to not catch sleep.
This will be a haul A$$ trip for you. I hope you have two drivers. And yes, the roads up north are 'good'..but that doesn't mean fast. You can easily find yourself in gravel zones which will slow you right down. There are huge issues to overcome, driving Yukon and Alaska..one of them being frost heaves. The trick there is to go SLOW..that or you'll bust something. Read this years Alaska thread on here...learn.
Gary Haupt