We have been over both Wolf Creek Pass and Monarch Pass--several times each--towing a 34' fifth-wheel, and did not consider either to be a problem. These are two of the major passes in Colorado.
BUT . . . I agree with the previous post. you should not expect Wolf Creek Pass to be one bit "easier" than Monarch.
If you do decide to take that alternate route south from Pagosa Springs you will make one of our favorite drives: between Pagosa Springs and Chama. And Chama is worth a visit, even an overnight if you have time. You probably know about the Chama-Antonita narrow gauge train ride. And LaVeta Pass is one of the easier passes in Colorado.
So, for myself I would take the Wolf Creek Pass route without any hesitation, but that relates to my equipment and my experience. At least you have an alternative. And if you struggled on Monarach, maybe you should consider it.