IF you can pull it off, try to be here for the fireworks show on New Year's eve. It is world class, quite spectacular. Part of what we love about it is that it is sent off from usually 5 locations, 3 here on Playa la Ropa, one on La Madera and one on Playa Principal. They set them up by mid day, put a string of yellow caution tape around them, then leave. Great chance to see the stuff close up in the light.
Remember at El Manglar to keep a flashlight handy for night time, the crocs like to walk around. If you have pets, especially small ones, be careful. Supposedly there have not been any incidents, but when we walk our dogs in the morning in the dark we are very aware and do see them coming and going through the surf. Paddled by a 6 footer last week mid morning.
As you come down the hill onto Playa la Ropa, just past the dolphin statue, look to the left. You'll see a row of potted palms in front of a house. Honk and wave!!!! That's us.